No one is just one thing, and intersectionality teaches us that the overlapping pressures from society affect us all in different ways. Fourth wave feminism seeks to address these pressures on women without excluding other aspects of identity. The demand for more diverse creators and content, and the centering of women and minorities as superheroes, Jedi and the Doctor has led to the under-represented finally seeing themselves on screen. Join us as we explore this wave and its accompanying undertow.
Moderator: Ali Baker
Panelists: James Brophy, Helen Corcoran, Valerie Estelle Frankel, Helen Ryder (Guest of Honor)
This panel was originally streamed live 10 October 2020 during Octocon 2020 at, where short clips can be viewed and shared.
Intro Music: Happy Times by Alejandro Magaña from
Outro Music: Sleepy Fish – Fall’s Echoes