Next up on our 2022 Committee Introductions is Coral “The Magnificent” Mallow – our Super Sponsorship Officer!
Pronouns: She/Her
Bio: Coral is a glorious experience masquerading as a human! She was born into one of the first comic book stores in America and believes the blank spaces in between the words and images of a story are never truly empty.

Coral is an international multidisciplinary artist and sexuality educator. She is also a storyteller, poet, amateur comic book historian, performer, event organizer, political activist, accessibility advocate, borderline hedonist, and currently rocks these labels: bi-poly-cis-kinky-ADHD-queer.
As Octocon’s newest Sponsorship Officer she is the person contacting sponsors, getting us that necessary money so that Octocon can happen! .
Alter Ego: She is @Gameradjacent on Instagram where mini painting and other random artness occurs
Fun Fact: She is named after Coral Leibowitz, a Jewish double agent for the WW2 Allies in Marvel Comic’s Sgt. Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos # 66&67
Nonfiction – Black Women in Sequence by Deborah Elizabeth Whaley
Comic – On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Novel – The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan
You can find her on Twitter @CoralMallow